Mental Health
You Don’t Have to Catch it Just Because They Throw It
Have you heard that chimpanzees throw their feces at people? We humans do the same thing, but we add an extra step to it. We try to catch it.
One Sentence I Can’t Get Out of My Head
It is unclear to me why some days are harder than others, but a recent weekend was especially so. I simply couldn’t get away from the one sentence that played on a loop in my head. I thought it would crush me.
When “Not Enough” Infiltrates the Things I Love
Sometimes “not enough” takes over the things I love but I refuse to give up the fight.
I Made a Mistake
I know making mistakes is part of the human condition. But I’m not a fan.
Green With Envy.
Examing the crazy contradiction that I’m a jealous person and I feed my jealousy at the same time.